Lilu Kaufman in Professional Clothes


I'm Lilu...

Some things about me:
💖 I love imagining, creating, and learning.
💻 I'm a full-stack software developer.
🎨 I do art digitally and traditionally.

👋 Welcome to my website!

Lilu Kaufman in Business Casual Clothes

My Skills

✨ A little about me ✨

From data structures to drawing I have a passion for seeing ideas become tangible. The versatility of technology inspires me everyday pursuing my dual major of Computer Science and Information Technologies and Web Sciences at Rensselear Polytechnic Institute.

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My Projects

Help Her STEM: Anonomyous Advice Forum

Full-Stack Developer/Concept Lead

Designed and implemented an anonymous advice forum for underrepresented gender minorities in STEM using basic HTML and CSS, Balsamiq mock-ups, and dynamic JSON file reading/writing.

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CentTrack: Financial Tracker

Developer/ Concept Lead

Designed a financial tracker with a 4-person team using React Native during a 24+ hour hackathon, awarded 'Best Mobile App.'

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Developer/ Concept Lead

Designed an inclusive event planner with a 3-person team using React Native during a 24+ hour hackathon, awarded 'Ship Fast, Ship Often - Build a Payworthy MVP in a Weekend '

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LCOS: Lethal Company Open Source

Developer/UX Designer

Created custom modifications, UX design in Procreate, and 3D modeled in Blender for the popular video game "Lethal Company."

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...and many more coming soon!

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